It’s no surprise that in this day and age, with our fast-paced lifestyle more and more people turn to yoga. It has become synonymous with relaxation and tranquility. However, yoga is, and can do so much more than that. If you’re already practicing yoga, you’re probably familiar with some of the instant benefits it has, like body relaxation or muscle tension and joints relief. However, many studies have proven that long term yoga practice can help restore the balance between the body and the mind, and also bring significant improvement to health problems. A Lean, toned yoga body is a bonus.
Yoga improves concentration, focus, and mental clarity
If you feel like your mind has been acting like a teflon pan, and nothing seems to stick to it, you can’t concentrate properly and you keep forgetting all the little everyday things, which only complicates your life even further, you’re probably under a lot of stress, but who isn’t. You need to learn how to slow down and clear your mind from all the unnecessary noise that’s blocking your mind and destroying your performance. Yoga is effective for better concentration and improving your memory in the long run.
Yoga improves blood circulation and detoxification
Poor blood circulation can cause all sorts of problems and unpleasantness, but if you work on getting your blood pumping through your body, any swelling you have in your extremities can slowly go away, and your skin will get that healthy glow. This is where yoga is exceptionally helpful if you practice different balancing poses, and inverted poses like the downward dog or shoulder stand.
Yoga reduces depression and anxiety
Taking a few deep breaths is the best way to calm yourself down in stressful situations. When you start to pay attention to your breathing, your respiration will improve, and therefore your stress response system will regulate, which will ultimately affect your nervous system and reduce your level of stress. If you’re not comfortable enough to practice in a group, you can join an online class for professional guidance. One of the best choices for fighting your anxiety is finding the nearest Qi Yoga class. This is a combination of two wonderful old traditions – Chinese Qi – which means life force, and of course Yoga. Qi is associated with feng shui, and practicing it, you can overcome a lot of obstacles you encounter in life. Once you get the hold of it and you start connecting your breath to certain poses, you can get into deeper meditation and long savasanas, which is like a deep relaxing massage for your mind as well as your senses.
Yoga regulates metabolism and improves digestion
There are many kinds of yoga practices, whether you’re looking to improve your flexibility, meditation and breathing, de-stress or lose weight. Some yoga poses will speed your heart rate the same way that any cardio would, only by holding one pose long enough. Power yoga is a very active and engaging yoga for anyone who wants to boost their metabolism and have a good sweat.
Yoga for hormonal balance
A properly functioning hormonal system is essential for the overall health and wellbeing. There are many ways to treat hormonal imbalance, but if you’re more open to natural ways and remedies, some yoga poses proved to be beneficial for activating and stimulating glands that produce hormones. Both men and women can benefit from doing hormone balancing poses. Yoga can also help relieve menstrual cramps and symptoms of postpartum depression.
Yoga for better sleep
Your body cannot restore and repair if you’re not getting enough sleep. Sleep deprivation is a serious problem that can cause many health problems, and potentially lower your life expectancy. Yoga can help with irregular sleeping habits and insomnia. There are especially designed yoga exercises for sleep that stretch all the right muscles along the spine, neck and lower back, which invigorates the nervous system. After a while, you’ll be able to drift off in a middle of a stretch, so better have your bed nearby.