Lifestyle People

Meet Vinette Schulze

Meet South African Model & YouTuber Vinette Schulze, we spoke exclusively with Vinette about all things YouTube & Modeling. 

What are you currently inspired by?
“Life. Simple as that. There is so much to see and experience. I look forward to what the future has in store.”

Tell us about your career as a model. How did you get started?
“I got scouted at a modeling competition and signed to an agency when I was 13. Everything kind of happened from there. It hasn’t been as easy or glamorous as it seems from the outside. It’s a tough world that forces you to grow up quite fast and to be independent from a young age.”

Vinette SchulzeWhat do you think is the best part about being a model in the industry today?
“For me, the best part is being able to travel and see the world, learning about different cultures, and meeting amazing people.”

What is your favorite thing to do when not working?
“In my spare time I like being creative. I enjoy writing, playing guitar or doing art. Filming and editing videos for my YouTube Channel also keeps me busy.”

Vinette SchulzeTake us through a typical day in the life of Vinette Schulze.
“When I’m traveling, every day is unique. I love exploring a new city and finding it’s local gems. When I’m home in South Africa, I like to start my day with a run, do some editing and spend time with friends.”

What do you enjoy most about vlogging?
“My passion lies in editing. I love telling a story and being able to share my experiences in a way that allows me to express my creativity.”

Vinette SchulzeWhat are three things most people don’t know about you?
“I feel very compassionate about animal liberation and environmental issues. I enjoy reading about matters that make you question what you’ve been told. I want to change the world (very ambitious, I know, haha).”

Being a frequent traveler, what have been your favorite destinations?
“Every country is special in it’s own right, so it’s very hard for me to narrow it down to just one favorite. Mexico City has a special place in my heart though.”

Vinette SchulzeWhich three words would your friends use to describe you?
“Positive, determined, and curious.”

What are your favorite clothing brands?
“I am not very big on brands and names, but I like brand/ products who are eco friendly and cruelty free.”

Where can we follow you?
“You can find me on Instagram, my handle is @vinetteschulze and my YouTube channel is called South African Nomad.”

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