To keep cigars from undulating off the tabaquero’s table and for a simpler packaging process, Cuba invented box-pressed cigars. And these types of cigars changed not only in shape but in flavor as well, just like how a glass affects the flavor of a fine bottle of cognac, the shape of a four-sided cigar alters the taste and then intensely amplifies it’s flavor. A perfect example of this is the new Davidoff Nicaragua Box Pressed cigar, which has been reasonably priced from $15 to $18. In correlation to the other Nicaraguan puro forms in this series; the dark oily Nicaraguan Habano Oscuro casing and its layers from Condega, Ometepe, and Estelí conveys even greater amounts of zest & flavor, since both the 5 by 48 robusto and the 6 by 52 toro substantiate. While your relaxing by the beach or sitting at home close to the fireplace, a nice fierce cigar can make all the difference.
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Surgeon General Warning: Cigar Smoking Can Cause Cancers of the Mouth And Throat, Even If You Do Not Inhale.