Cohiba is known for being one of the best cigar brands in the world and just like Gurkha they prove it with their oh so tempting premium cigars. The name Cohiba derives from the Taíno word for “Tobacco.” They produce two kinds of premium cigars one from the Dominican Republic and the other from Cuba. Each cigar is priced anywhere from $12 to $140 and are made of only the finest materials.
The most expensive and luxurious cigar made by Cohiba is the Cohiba Behike cigar, each cigar is priced at $140 or $1,120 for a box (10). Cohiba Behike has three sizes: BHK 52, BHK 54, and BHK 56. The production is extremely limited and exclusive. For the first time ever it assimilates the tobacco leaf “Medio tiempo” , which comes only from the two top leaves on sun-grown plants, offering exceptional character and flavor. The inside of the cigar is made up of the finest leaves from Volado, Seco and Ligero originating from the finest Vegas of San Juan y Martinez and San Luis.
Each Behike is donned with a band housing two holograms for security identification. The quantities are limited due to the natural scarcity of the Medio Tiempo tobacco leaf, which have never existed before. The blend and beautiful lacquered boxes that are also a first in the industry.
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Surgeon General Warning: Cigar Smoking Can Cause Cancers of the Mouth And Throat, Even If You Do Not Inhale.