The remaining number of Cuba’s 2017 Edición Limitada cigars have just started to make their arrival to global markets. Even though Cohiba Talismán Edición Limitada 2017 was launched in late 2017, the other two cigars, such as the Partagás Serie No. 1 (5 1/2 by 52) and the Punch Regios de Punch (4 3/4 inches by 48 ring gauge), are still making their way to the market, albeit at a leisurely pace.
The two cigars first started showing up in many different countries, however, the distribution of these cigars have been very infrequent. Sometimes one of the cigars would reach a country, while the other one doesn’t. For example, in South America some countries may have received Cohiba Talismán Edición Limitada, but have yet to receive the Punch and the Partagás. Furthermore, some of these countries haven’t even acquired any of these cigars at all.
Fortunately, both the Partagás Serie No. 1 and the Punch Regios de Punch are now currently in the hands of Phoenicia Trading, where they were promptly dispatched to Phoenicia’s extensive net of retail markets across the globe. Being one of the biggest cigar distributers, Phoenicia Trading offers Cuban cigars to some parts of Europe, most of Africa, and the Middle East, which also include Beirut’s duty free mediums.
The Edición Limitada program is relatively new as it officially commenced in 2000. Following each year after, Habanos S.A. started unveiling a total of just three cigars in different dimensions that were not found in traditional production. In addition, these cigars had a far darker shade than average ones and also had upper priming casing.
In Germany as well as in a few other countries, despite the irritable infrequency, the shipments of both of these Edición Limitada cigars arrived on schedule, but fell short in the quantity supplied. This caused the commercial launch of the two cigars, which were planned to hit the market in 2017, to be further delayed; and though this pushed back the Partagás Serie No. 1 and the Punch Regios de Punch’s delivery time, their arrival to global markets was only slowed down and not cancelled.
Featured image courtesy of: Habanos S.A.
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