This is an article courtesy of Paul Agelidis, the Founder and Owner of Revolucion, a cigar, tobacco and men’s gift shop in beautiful Vancouver, BC.
With the summer upon us, it’s getting to the time you can really enjoy sitting outside and smoking great cigars. Whether it’s in your backyard, at the cottage, on a camping trip, or anywhere else, you can smoke by yourself or with other aficionados, it’s time to look for the best cigars to enjoy this year. Here are our top Cuban cigars to try:
Montecristo No. 2
This cigar is the undisputed king of the Cuban cigar world right now. It gets rave reviews both from publications and reviewers, and from regular cigar lovers, making it a best-seller and a critically acclaimed darling. One note when buying a box: look for the date and factory code on the box to know the vintage that you’re buying.
It’s easy to see why the Montecristo No. 2 is so widely regarded, as it has an intoxicating balance of flavors and aromas, including almond, cinnamon, oak, and salt. It burns evenly, has smooth draws, and easy production of fine, cool smoke. If you’ve never tried a Montecristo No. 2 before, it should be at the top of your list this summer.
Upmann Magnum 50
The Upmann Magnum 50 has a great smoking experience. It looks, feels, smells, and tastes great, as well as having one of the best burns of any cigar we’ve tried this year. It has plenty of smoke production but comes across as an everyman’s cigar that’s rich, deep, and durable through to the end.
The flavor comes with notes of earthy and spicy tones in a harmony of leather, nutmeg, pepper and cinnamon. This is another must-try for any cigar enthusiast no matter what your tastes are, and is great to enjoy with your friends or family on a sunny outdoor afternoon.
Bolivar Belicoso Fino
This cigar is more for people who like strong Cuban cigars, as it is one of the stronger ones you can find. Despite how strong it is, it’s been a top-rated cigar for years now thanks to a very balanced profile of flavors, exceptional quality, and full-bodied smoke.
When you draw, you get a smooth balance of chocolate, nuts, caramel, coffee, and leather with notes of earth and spicy pepper. It has a good enough first half to make you think it’s already worth it, but the second half surprised us with an explosion of strong but still balanced flavor, and a longer burn — really take your time to enjoy it.
La Estrella Cubana Habano
La Estrella is a top-quality brand of Cuban cigars that has tried to enter the market of more affordable “value” cigars. Despite the lower price, the Cubana Habano still has superb quality so you get more than your money’s worth.
The La Estrella Cubana Habano has medium strength and a medium-to-full body profile of dark coffee, caramel, spice, and leather with a smooth and balanced finish. It is a very satisfying smoke with a very affordable purchase price, which has made it one of our go-to cigars to enjoy again and again this year.
Romeo y Julieta Short Churchill
The current vintage of the Romeo y Julieta Short Churchill cigar is great for people who prefer quicker or milder Cuban cigars. The burn and draw stay consistent for the whole smoke, and the flavor strength stays at a balanced but milder profile.
The taste and aromas have notes of dark coffee, pepper, sage, hazelnut and leather, with hints of cream, sweet fruit, and wood. It has a shorter smoke, so it can be great for quick breaks between golf rounds, between outdoor chores, or for a quick happy hour before dinner.
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Image Courtesy of: Shutterstock
Surgeon General Warning: Cigar Smoking Can Cause Cancers of the Mouth And Throat, Even If You Do Not Inhale.