Art & Culture

‘Art In Resonance’ At The Peninsula Bangkok

Gravity of Thoughts The Unparalleled World detail

An impressive collection of embroidered works crafted by Narissara Pianwimungsa are now on display at the Peninsula Bangkok. The exhibit, which is on display until March 31st 2021, was commissioned by The Peninsula Hotels’ global art programme that focuses on collaborations with local artists to deliver a unique, artistic experience. Through this program, the Peninsula hosts artists in residence that are able to utilize the hotel’s studio and interact with guests and visitors regularly.

Currently on display in the lobby and studio, Pianwimungsa’s ‘Gravity of Thoughts’ series is comprised of 3 works of sculptural embroidery completed by the artist during her stay at The Peninsula Bangkok. The Thai born artist brought together all of her passions, such as “poetry, drawings and paintings.” The resilence of nature and the fragility of human life were also central concepts explored by the artist. Another avenue of inspiration was the artist’s routine travels across Bangkok’s Chao Phraya River.

“During these rides I could feel the constant flow of nature, which endures no matter how many changes affect human life,” Ms. Pianwimungsa said. “Sometimes the flow appears gentle; other times it seems harsh. But there is a balance to it, and to life. This balance is what ‘Gravity of Thoughts‘ explores.”

Two works hang in the hotel lobby and bring forth a clear representation of nature’s infallibility and the fragility of human life. The most significant piece in the series is a fabric sculpture, which is located in the hotel’s artist studio. The work, being weighted to ensure precise balance, hangs from the ceiling. The embroidery depicts open eyes and reminds one of something akin to a flying carpet.

Speaking on the subject of the exhibition, The Peninsula Bangkok’s General Manager explains how the series exemplifies a thought provoking dialogue. “Art programmes such as this allow us to fulfil an important mission,” Mr Sampermans said. “As well as providing artistic enrichment to our visitors with exhibits, artist talks, and studio visits, we are also supporting local working artists – and ensuring the health of the cultural ecosystem in our home city.”

To arrange an Artist Studio Tour at the hotel personally guided by Ms. Pianwimungsa, you can contact The Peninsula Bangkok at +66 2020 2888 or email:

Image credit: The Peninsula Hotels

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