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The Extravagant Team

Auto Lifestyle

The Quail, A Motorsports Gathering: The Garden Party of a Lifetime

The Monterey Peninsula plays host to generations of automotive afficionado and their private collections every year during the famed Monterey Car Week. And during this 10-day long week celebration, one event goes way beyond just paying homage to the development of automobiles, they create an expansive yard of automotive bliss. This heralded event, dubbed ‘The Quail, A Motorsports Gathering’, is the predominant milestone to top off this magical week. Situated among a vibrant golf course facing the picturesque Santa Lucia…

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Art & Culture Epicure Fashion People

TCHA: A Pop-Up That Blends Art, Food & Design

Stemming from her passion for matcha bars, Joya Burda came up with an exciting new way to incorporate an interactive environment with culinary creations. Founded in January, she created Tcha, a unique experience in the form of a pop-up that also hosts several engaging activities from a number of luxury brands. The concept takes an even more lively turn as she meticulously goes over themes for her pop-ups that result in one spectacular party. There is always a different theme…

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